7-Zip 15.05 Beta (Jun 14, 2015) Terbaru — 7-Zip merupakan sebuah software open source atau bisa dibilang gratis alias freeware yang sangat populer guna berfungsi untuk memadatkan suatu file dan pastinya juga untuk mengecilkan size/ukuran file menjadi lebih kecil dari pada aslinya.Meskipun ada banyak sekali software kompresi lainnya contohnya WinRAR tetapi berbayar alias tidak gratis. Nah, 7-Zip inilah mungkin selain menjadi pesaing utamanya bisa untuk alternative buat sobat coba. Soal kelebihan mungkin dari segi keringanan, tampilan (gak neko-neko) dan ukuran file setelah ter-kompresi oleh 7-zip ini jadi lebih kecil lagi dibanding winrar (pengalaman saja), pokoknya sip deh karena sudah pernah teruji di IT dan IPB.^^
What's new in 15.05 beta : (2015-06-14)
*7-Zip now uses new installer.
*7-Zip now can create 7z, xz and zip archives with 1536 MB dictionary for LZMA/LZMA2.
*7-Zip File Manager now can operate with alternate file streams at NTFS volumes via "File / Alternate Streams" menu command.
*7-Zip now can extract .zipx (WinZip) archives that use xz compression.
*new optional "section size" parameter for BCJ2 filter for compression ratio improving.
Example: -mf=BCJ2:d9M, if largest executable section in files is smaller than 9 MB.
*Speed optimizations for BCJ2 filter and SHA-1 and SHA-256 calculation.
*Console version now uses stderr stream for error messages.
*Console version now shows names of processed files only in progress line by default.
*new -bb[0-3] switch to set output log level. -bb1 shows names of processed files in log.
*new -bs[o|e|p][0|1|2] switch to set stream for output messages;
o: output, e: error, p: progress line; 0: disable, 1: stdout, 2: stderr.
*new -bt switch to show execution time statistics.
*new -myx[0-9] switch to set level of file analysis.
*new -mmtf- switch to set single thread mode for filters.
*The BUG was fixed:
7-Zip didn't restore NTFS permissions for folders during extracting from WIM archives.
*The BUG was fixed:
The command line version: if the command "rn" (Rename) was called with more
than one pair of paths, 7-Zip used only first rename pair.
*The BUG was fixed:
7-Zip crashed for ZIP/LZMA/AES/AES-NI.
*The BUG in 15.01-15.02 was fixed:
7-Zip created incorrect ZIP archives, if ZipCrypto encryption was used.
7-Zip 9.20 can extract such incorrect ZIP archives.
*Some bugs were fixed.
Screenshot :
[x86/32bit - 1 MB]
[x64/32bit - 1 MB]